
New style!

AQWorlds Media
Hey all;
As you can see i made a few changes to AQWmedia's design, i thought i haven't changed it for a while, so decided to change it.
If you found any bugs, please report them, the design is new, so i don't know if it like works for all the browsers properly (remember to use Google Chrome when opening AQWmedia).
If you also have any suggestion like a picture or any other thing you would like us to put in the website template, you can send it too..

If you want to report bugs, simply follow THIS PAGE, and you're done.
I really hope that all of you like the new style, as i do!

Thank you.
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DoomWood Saga has begun!!!!!!!

Greetings Tyler611 here. I would like to tell you about the new release. It has been rumored about that the necromancer class might come back out and the blinding light of destiny will be released. Well the rumors are true. In the new saga you will travel to lightguard keep and the doomwood. But why must you keep Artix away u ask? Because he is the last paladin in the whole world of Lore. I havent finished everything yet due to lag issues but still have fun.
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Quick news!

Maybe of you had heard about the Necromancer class. Well I got a news that the Blinding Light of Destiny (Artix's Axe) will be release too! But I am not pretty sure if it is true. But I hope hmm, I am not just the only one who is hoping that Artix's axe will be release with the Necromancer Class.
read more "Quick news!"

Nulgath is Hatching!

Hello everyone;
All of you knows that Miltonius, has changed his name early before, and that was announced on AQWmedia previously, his new name is NULGAH.
But what has happened new is that Nulgath has also changed the name of some items in-game, but NOT all of them, nobody knows why, or what's the purpose of this..But we will find out soon!
The reason why he changed his name, is because Artix legally gave the name Miltonius back to him as a gift between friends.
Here is a lost of the items that got it's name changed from "Miltonius" to "Nulgath":

  • Hood Of Nulgath.
  • Cloak Of Nulgath.
  • Fiend Cloak Of Nulgath.
  • Totem Of Nulgath.
  • Sword Of Nulgath.
  • Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath.
  • And alot of other items, feel free to post them on a comment and i'll add them and credit it to you.
Also the avatar of Miltonius has been changed with the one of Nulgath:
The new Nulgath!

Soon, there will be a new quests and items will be added to Nulgath, which will reveal it's 'Hatching' as Artix said on the Design Notes.

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CardClasher Tips


A tips for CardClaser to solo any bosses.
First of all you need to trues in your self and then you need to rank your CardClasher to rank 10. Enhance your CC to the enhancement you want (I use lucky for my CC).

Use the First, Second and Fourth skill of your CC.

The first skill can get a card for you to use that card is to use the second skill and the usage of the fourth skill it can add your mana.

The cards colors are Green, Blue and Red
Green: It will increase your HP for like 20%
                     Blue: Just like the fourth skill this card will add your mana 
           Red: The red card will hit a critical damage to you enemy

If you are started to solo a boss you need to get a card using the first skill then use it just repeat that steps (Use your first skill then the second the first skill again and so on) if you fell that you are losing mana use your fourth skill.

I will show you a video of me soloing BlackNight from GreenGuard

I soloed KingCoal using CC and lots of bosses. Just follow my tips for you and try it on your self and enjoy!


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News from King Alteon! *URGENT*

Well met Hero,
I must meet with you. My need is urgent, and time is short. Please meet with me this Friday at Castle Swordhaven, and bring Cysero, Beleen, and Artix.
It is truly the darkest of times. Even now, Drakath and his Chaos Lords continue to corrupt the land. The wounds Drakath inflicted upon me have not yet healed. The truce between the forces of Good and Evil is weakening with each passing day. And now... a brand NEW THREAT has risen. This situation is so dire, we could lose the entire Kingdom. Meet with me this Friday night. You are our only hope.
God speed,
King Alteon, the Balanced
It sounds urgent. Who is this new threat? Why is it here? So many questions. So little time. Log on to AQW this friday to find out. Battle on hero's and villain's.
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1vs.1 PvP tips & tricks!

Hey all...
all of you know that the last Friday a new mode of PvP has came to AQWorlds, which is the 1vs1 PvP, so i thought it would be a good idea to give you guys some tips and hints when dueling against someone.
First of all, the good build and the right enhancement is the key to victory, missing any of these will reduce your power and might get you loose the fight.
For my case, i think if you used Paladin with Hybrid enhancement will be perfect, because Paladin is actually a balanced choice, you can attack hard with it, and you can also heal and defend with it.
Of course, it's all up to you if you want a plan based on attacking, or a plan based on defending.
That was the first point, second point is what happen WITHIN the battle.
Before you start, make sure you pick up some potions from Reens potion shop in Arcangrove, it will be really helpful if you needed them.
If you will use a class based on attacking level, pick a health potion, but if you will choose other class based on healing like healer or Paladin, you probably need to use an attacking skill, so you will have you attack and defense prepared.

Some players tells that not to use any potion or they will consider you as a 'Noob', well, they are just trying to say this to you, and don't let you use the potions so they can win.
Using potions never makes you noob or anything as they say, Reens are there for a purpose like this, to help you against other players.
So go ahead! use your potions and fire up the stage, incase the opponent kept disturbing you, just ignore them..won't take you only 2 clicks.
If you lost in a battle, don't worry..you will win the other one, you can't always win unless you are super lucky up-normal, and you're not this, nobody actually is this.
So if you lost, just try again, and don't be a fool and logout before the last breath, THEN, you will be really noob.
And remember, PLAY FAIR!
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1vs1 PvP

Well we all know aqw gets updates every friday this one is 1v1 PvP! Now you can go battle your friends or random people by typing /join doomarenac-xxxxxx (x's stands for any kind of number). You can also get some epic gear from earning enough trophies by accepting the daily quest from Dumoose. This arena came to be when the aeris battlespire fell and landed in doomwood no adventurer has ever dared to go looking for them. Heres an image of the outside:

How 1v1 PvP Works

There are two ways to fight a 1v1 PvP battle.
1) 1v1 Strangers: Use the button in Battleon to travel to the Doomwood Arena. Once there speak with Dumoose, the PvP Master. One of his buttons reads "1v1 Strangers". This will eventually out you in que for a 1v1 battle against a random foe who has also qued up. Our matchmaking system looks for the best possible match for your level and tosses you into a random Doomwood Battle Arena. The fight is over when one of you is defeated.
2) 1v1 Friends: Right now, the only way to battle a specific friend (or foe) is to use the /JOIN function. Just arrange to face your opponent in either doomarenaa-, doomarenab-, doomarenac- or doomarenad- then type in a room number higher than 1000.

Things To Remember:

1) Keep Your Honor. If you're about to lose to someone and you log out (regequit), it doesn't cost them anything. They can get another win from someone else in 1-3 minutes. All it does is make you look like a fool who has no honor and can't take defeat with grace.
2) Keep Your Cool. Nobody LIKES to lose but some people know understand that someone HAS to lose in PvP and there is a 50/50 chance that it will be you. If you get defeated, don't get angry. Equip one of Reens' potions and get even. If someone is yelling nonsense at you, be the better person. Just click on their name and use the IGNORE function. If they are WAY out of line, report them THEN ignore them.
3) Keep Your Forum Login Handy: If you notice a bug (in PvP or anywhere else for that matter), REPORT IT ON THE BUGS THREAD! Please remember that posting bugs on Facebook or Twitter doesn't do anything. we NEEEEED Bug Reports on the forums to fix bugs.
Player suggestion shop was updated with the best ones dage could find:
                                    Here is the Demonic Nemesis set from player Ninjudo
                                     Or maybe the Gothika armor suggested by Laken is more your style!                             These are not the only items going in today either. Be sure to check them out!
                                    Or maybe you like the Death's hand set from _Aegis_
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Greeting's fellow AQWmedia followers.

I am Tyler611 one of the new writers here ^^ i've came here with some useful info on zazul's code:
Outside- Scratched at the top of the slide, "Seconds in a year divided by sweet, sweet pie" There are 31556926 seconds in a year. Pi is 3.14159. Sweet, sweet pie is also a song by Pop Will Eat Itself. It is number 29 and is 130 seconds long.

Room Z- Says joining purgatorio. Second part to Dante's Divine Comedy. Also purgatorio is Italian for purgatory. At this moment, purgatorio is not part of the map.

Hypnotic Room 1- Says Obey Zazul... 7 times

Labyrinth Room 2- Has an invisible labyrinth with a chest at the end. Here is a guide. Either you get 3 chances to enter a 4 digit code or we get one chance to enter a 12 digit code. A 4 digit code has 625 possibilities, while a 12 digit code has 244140625 combinations. The lock on the chest is turned 180 degrees. Once you enter a wrong code 3 times you are sent to the jail in Room 3.

Mirror Room 3- There are 4 bones, then 3 scratches, then 2 chains on the wall, and then one candle going from left to right in the room. There is a picture of Ulquiorra Schiffer on the dart board. You must throw a dart at his face to get out of the jail.

Convery Belt Room 4- There doesn't appear to be any clues. However, there are 6 Z's on one side of the conveyor belt. So 12 rolls, and most likely 24 Z's assuming there is a Z on each side

Zazul's character page- His weapon has four symbols, the first one being the Z that is seen throughout his house.

Going back to his blade being a clue. The first symbol would of course be Zeta. The second in my opinion looks like Pi if we flip it 180 degrees. The third symbol looks like Alpha if we flip it 270 degrees. And the fourth symbol looks like Xi flipped 90 degrees.

So we have

Zeta = 7, 0 degree turn
Pi = 80, 180 degree turn
Alpha = 1, 270 degree turn
xi = 60, 90 degree turn

Numbers multiplied = 3360
Numbers added = 148
Numbers divided = .001458333

+ Here is a quote from Zazul himself:

Seriously. Anyone posting in these thread who ever gets hacked has not been paying attention.

It probably won't hurt to tell you that my actual account password is at least 16 characters long. The code for the chest is not my password. I'll give you that hint for free. Oh heck, here's one more the Z symbol is important.

Moo-hoo-hahahahahahahahahahah *gasp* ahahaahahahahaa *cough cough* ahhhhhh.

Read More about Zazul's House: A House of Mysteries!
read more "Greeting's fellow AQWmedia followers."

AQWmedia revival!

Hello everyone;
I am sure that maybe most of you is asking themselves why is AQWmedia no longer posting stuff about AQWorlds, and some of you have even left AQWmedia with no return because of this, thinking that AQWmedia is dead!
Well, NO! AQWmedia isn't dead, all what happened is that we got some important stuff to do other than AQWmedia, so from now on, the posts will back, more than ever!

As few of our writers has left, we welcome a new writers, so if you think you are qualified to be a writer, just send a message to (Managment@AQWmedia.com) or to the FaceBook user: ZadenAQW (If the link is not working, jusr search for Zaden AQW"
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Latest Image:

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Alina's Story, and so much more!


This week's AQWorlds release is ALIVE!
But this time, the story of the release gets alittle bit off the road, tis time, the suspect is the good guy (or actually girl).
The suspect of this story is Alina, the Royal PotionMistress, was suspected of poisioning King Alteon himself.
You need to prove that Alina wasn't behind this, uncover the one which causes this all and to clean Alina's name.

You will get through some several quests, starting from SwordHaven, ending with Manor*
You will need to complete 4 quests, given by Alina in Manor, the quests are:
  • Hard Water
  • Raising the Stakes
  • Stop! Potion Time.
  • Inscrutable Motivation.
Once you complete them all successfully, you will meet the boss;

Sounds cute huh? well, as it said, Don't judge a book by it's cover!
read more "Alina's Story, and so much more!"

Miltonius is now NULGATH


Hello Everyone,
Today, one of the best AQWorlds artist and animator (and maybe the best one) has changed his name, so that the one who all of you know, which is Miltonius, is now called "Nulgath".
And for his items and area's names in AQWorlds, it wasn't confirmed if it will be changed or not, But we will know!

Miltonius's new identity; NULGATH!
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Cinco de Mayo & Randor The Red's Birthday


Hello Everyone,
Today, AQWorlds has got a really cool exciting new mini-release.

Today's mini release is featuring two new awesome shops.
First one is that seasonal shop "Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "fifth of May") 
shop in Battleon, can be accessed viaa clicky new red button just appeared there!.

Cinco De Mayo shop!

Here is the full list of  Cinco De Mayo's shop:
    • Maracas 11 mace
    • Dos Maracas 11 daggers
    • Pinata 11 pet 
    • Sombrero and Big Sombrero helms
    • and the Mariachi Armor 11 

The other shop is also really special shop (and rare) to all of you, it's Randor The Red's birthday shop, so wish him a happy birthday and go buy one of the new items from his rare birthday shop.

Randor The Red.

Here are the items in this shop;

  • Forest Tiger 11 pet
  • Dragonwings of Destiny 11 daggers (CC and non-CC)
  • Raised and Lowered Goggles helms
  • Shocking Raised and Lowered Goggles helms
  • Spiky Raised and Lowered Goggles helms
  • Raised and Lowered Aviatrix helms
  • Crustacean Crusher 11 daggers (CC and non-CC)

And that's not all, we have got a new information that you might be really interested in.
This SATURDAY (10:00 AM EST), The Limited Quantity Shop will come back with a full stack of new items, this time it will bring some uber cool and perma rare Armor and items.

The new LQS items.

That's all for now..Farewell!

read more "Cinco de Mayo & Randor The Red's Birthday"

Mother's Day & Friday the 13th


Hello Everyone,
AQWmedia hasn't gotten any new posts for along time, so here i am fixing this ;D

What's about to come this weekend in AQWorlds is the Mother's Day.
We haven't know yet if it will going to be only a one shop as the past two years, or a full new area.
Also make sure you play it, because it is going to be seasonal rare event and you will have to wait until the next year.

Here are some ideas that you can make your mother, Of course your gift will depend on your age and location relative to the parental unit.
  • Make a special call if she is far away
  • Make breakfast! (Breakfast in bed = Major bonus points)
  • Make A Coupon Book
    • Free Hug
    • Complimentary Room Cleaning
    • Free Car Wash
    • Dish Washing/Drying
    • Take out the trash for a week
    • Vacuuming.... vroooom vroooom!
    • ONE "Fine, you win Mom" card
  • Take her to see, or rent a Movie that SHE wants to watch
  • Make cake and brownies (or make them together) Cysero, who has recently gotten heavily into bread making as a result of the anime Yakitate!! japan is baking his Mother a baguette.
  • Buy her a day at a SPA
  • Write your Mother a poem Example: Roses are Red, Violets are bloo, all my base are belong to you. Happy Mother's Day to a truly epic mom!
  • #1 idea: Spend some quality time!

    And for the week after, it's the release all of you was waiting for..the FRIDAY THE 13th live event.
    This year's Friday The 13th will happen only one time during this year, so either you play it, or you'll miss it.

    Friday the 13th Anything-Goes Battleon Game Card.

    And YES, Voltaire and his pet Deady is also going back just like the old days, bringing with them more cool and perma rare items and an all-new musical event.

    That's all for now.. Once there is more news, AQWmedia will be the first website which will publish it.

    read more "Mother's Day & Friday the 13th"