
Facebook page issue!

Hello Readers,
I really wish that you enjoyed AQWorlds Media after it got opened to public, and i would really love to thank you for your visit!
Unfortunately, another problem just appeared right after the opening, which is with our FaceBook fan page, FaceBook sent me a warning today and telling me that (AQWmedia.com) Facebook fan page has been disabled, until a further notice.
That was the full message:

We have removed or disabled access to the following content that you have posted on Facebook because we received a notice from a third party that the content infringes or otherwise violates their rights:

Fbpage: AQWmedia.com

We strongly encourage you to review the content you have posted to Facebook to make sure that you have not posted any other infringing content, as it is our policy to terminate the accounts of repeat infringers when appropriate.

If you believe that we have made a mistake in removing this content, then please visithttp://www.facebook.com/help/?page=1108 for more information.

The Facebook Team
Of course, i contacted the Facebook help desk, and to find any solution of how to solve this issue, and i am SURE, that nothing was wrong with the page, and no term has been violated.
I've actually heard about alot of small business pages getting closed in the past few days, i don't know if it's already planned, or all by mistake.
I am still waiting for there reply, and wish i get solved as soon as possible.

Thank you very much.
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