
Doomwood FINAL..and BattleOn Answers!

Hi everyone, Sorry i didn't post anything for awhile, i was just so busy and couldn't open AQWorlds Media. Anyway, let's start talking about this upcoming release in AQWorlds. This Friday, AQWorlds will be releasing one of the biggest releases in it's history, and of course, the release would be the DoomWood Saga Conclusion. You have played...
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VIP Badge !

This Badge Is rewarded for the players who bought 12 months membership package and its now costs like 60 $ and the player who have this Badge they will be able to access to the VIP shop which there is ONLY ONE item which called 2011 Armor Token and it will be changed to something SOON....... This is a picture of the Badge  And...
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Rare Value !

Each Rare Item Has A value ..... A lot of Player become confused about which item should he/she get first or which item is the hardest one to get well the Rarity Test Will tell us which item is the most rare and which one is not .The Rarity Test divide the rare items into groups according To their values Let see these Types/Group  0 - Unknown 5 - Junk ~ 15 - Broken 18 - Dumb 21 - Common 24 - Weird 27 - Crazy - 30 - Awesome 33...
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Classes And Enhancments

Well a lot of players are not able to build up their classes to become powerful and strong enough to fight the monsters with HUGE hp , AQWMedia will show you the Best enhancement for classes , cape , helm and weapons .......lets start with : 1. Chaos Shaper Class Class: Luck Weapons: Luck  Helm:Luck Cape:Luck Its A Luck Enhancement based class (Confirmed By Cysero) 2. Shaman Armor: Wizard Weapon: Wizard Cape: Wizard Helm: Wizard  3....
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Tesla Mage....Coming this friday!

TESLA MAGE! Coming this Friday in the ArcAttack Even...
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AQWorlds Newsletter (July 15, 2011)

LQS Shop: A Limited Quanity of Epic Items!Tomix and Dage have teamed up to stock this month's Limited Quanity shop with rockin' rares that will NEVER return once they've sold out! The shop goes live at 10 AM EST on SATURDAY!SteamGear Armor SteamGear Helm Dire Daggers SteamGear Gilded Coffin SteamGear Bow Soul Harvester Armor Soul Harvester...
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.COM is now official!

Hello everyone, wish you enjoyed this Week's AQWorlds release, BUT, for now i will not be talking about AQWorlds. I am now here to tell you proudly that http://www.AQWmedia.com is now the official used domain name for AQWorlds Media, anyone who has been using our old domain name (http://www.AQWmedia.blogspot.com) will be automatically redirected...
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AQW New release

Tyler611 here. There are alot of cool new items from the war today especially from Noxus: Rage Armor Rage Armet Viper Sickles Shadowfallen Cape Axe of the Evil Eye (Ultimate Noxus only!) New monster drops: Ectoplasmic Pole Ectoplasmic Daggers PainBlade Dual PainBlades New War Merge Shop items: SkeleCommander Doublesided PainBlade PainBlade...
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Tyler611 here i am back from camping ill try to post as much as i can since im only on like 5 hours a day ...
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Items for the Suggestion Shop!

Hello, I am here now to tell you, and let you see some of the new items created by Mennace and inspired by AQWorlds players for the Player Suggestion Shop (Which is in Yulgar's ): - An Armor created by Gompa (Twitter: GompaAE): It's a wonderful armor, i really liked it and i will absolutely buy it. - An Armor created by Mieteor...
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Hello everyone, Today i am bringing some news, which might be good for most of you, and really bad for the others. The good news is that AQWorlds is about to release ALOT of new features and events this Friday,or in this month, and here's the details: This Friday, AE is going to release the Boss Fight of the Noxus War, of course this will...
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New LOOK & The Meter !

Hello everyone, As you can see, i made a huge number of changes in the website and in our FaceBook fan page, that was because of two main reasons. The first one is that i haven't change it for awhile, and you guy might got bored of the old look, and the second, which is the more important, is that i wanted to break the tradition that all...
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