
AQ3D Game Development!

Have you guys heard about the new game Artix Entertainment is developing right now? Artix Entertainment has begun developing a new 3D Online Multiplayer game today, the game will be developed under the name of "AQ3D" as stands for "AQWorlds 3D" or maybe "AdventureQuest 3D". The website domain name for this game is AQ3D.artix.com, which...
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/join newyearlab (Shutdown Sequence) quest video walkthrough!

Hello all! First of all, happy new year for you, and may 2012 be a year full of hero-ic adventures! About yesterday's AQWorlds release, it is the same as the last year, the /join newyear area has been released with the same quests (no change), but also, they have added a new area for this year which is the Newyear Lab (/join NewyearLab),with...
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Alpine & Tinsel Walkthrough

Hello everyone, Here are two videos our partner, Junijii has created to help you. It is about how to do and complete Tinsel's quests, and the his seasonal rare items: Tinsel's first Armor Gift. Tinsel's first Helm Gift. Tinsel's second Armor Gift. Tinsel's second Helm Gift. --------------------- Tinsel's Quests: Alpine Quests:...
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Harvest Season (Video Walkthrough)

Hey guys I am sorry for not posting anything about this week's AQWorlds release, the return of Harvest season, and all it's epic items! I will post a detailed explanation within the upcoming days this week. Our partner, Junijii has posted a new YouTube videos explaining everything in this release: Harvest: Banquet: Grams: Artixhom...
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Drakath: The full history!

Drakath was the leader of the Darkwolf Bandits, a collection of thieves from the areas surrounding the town Falconreach. He went on to become the leader of 'The 13 Lords of Chaos' and the main villain in AdventureQuest Worlds. He was the loyal son of the tyrannical King Slugwrath, who ruled Swordhaven before he was overthrown by King Alteon....
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AncientTemple, Dage The Evil and Quibble!

Hello everyone, I enjoy you guys enjoying this week's AQWorlds release. Unfortunately, this week i can't give you any info about the BloodTusk saga, because i haven't done the previous releases of it, and i will never do! Luckily, our partner Junijii has posted a video on his YouTube Channel, giving you a walkthroughs for...
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New items for Quibble this Friday!

Hey all, This is an update post for what is coming to Quibble Coinbitter this Friday: ------------------Click on each image to enlarge---------------- Read the full artic...
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Chaos Lord, Dage The Evil and Quibble RETURNS!

Hello everyone, Yesterday Alina has announced in the Design Notes of what's going to be released this Friday, which is actually pretty much interesting for all of you! This Friday, you will get your first look of the 8th Lord of Chaos, which will be from BloodTusk. For now, that's all we know about this lord lol xD New Dage The Evil Items: For...
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Understanding Shaman and Evolved Shaman

Well, I'll get straight to the point after showing the differences in skill.  Evolved shaman : Freezing Flame Deals moderate damage and either burns your foe for damage over time or freezes your target in place, stunning them for 4 seconds. Effect increased by Elemental Grasp. Notes: AoE attack, hits 3 targets in range....
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The DragonPlane

11-11-11, a new Friday, and a new release in AQWorlds just went live! so finally, the 11-11-11 portal mystery has just been solved , and the fact is SHOCKING! The portal has turned to be a leading to the DragonPlane, where you will meet X'dir, the guy who opened this portal (after centuries of trying) to seek for help.  You will...
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How to play AQWorlds on iPhone/iPad

Hello everyone, Any player who plays AQWorlds, and has an iPhone or iPad is sure wondering if there is any way to play AQWorlds on those two devices, because at default you can't play them because iPhone (When i say iPhone, i mean iPad too.) doesn't support internet flash objects. But, in the trick i am going to show you now, you...
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ChronoCorruptor is coming!

Hello guys, I am sure most of you has heard about the new class coming to AQWorlds, but incase you didn't and you have no idea what i am talking about, here is a little info. the new class in AQWorlds is called ChronoCorruptor, it's name looks just like a corrupted version of the Chronomancer Class, and they way you get the ChronoCorruptor...
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"Starswords" over the age!

Blue Starsword: Most rare version of the starsword of those above, obtained only by players who played in ALPHA or BETA test and bought it  from the Beta Shop. Red Starsword: Second rare version comes after the blue one, this was obtainable from the FIRST Qoibble Coinbiter's shop. Golden Starsword: Awarded to AQWorlds 1st Upholders. Onyx...
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3rd Upholders

As a 'Thank you' gift for all Members and founders who helped AQWorlds to grow in the past 3 years, 3rd upholders has been given today there special "Platinum Starsword", another item of the Starsword collection. And as every year, Founders of AQWorlds (Members or not) has been rewarded with a non-member AC pet, the "Platinum Armored Platinum...
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PaladinSlayer Set & Chaotic Flying Eye

Hello Everyone, Incase you guys didn't know, AQWorlds has released a new Class and some items exclusive for players who purchased the Doom Pack and the MOD Pack. Doom and MOD packs are an expansions to the Anything-goes Battleon Game Card "AKA Battleon Game Cards" The DOOM pack comes with  PaladinSlayer Class (Class), Vordred's...
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BakeShop Of Horror!

  Hooray! AQWorlds Mogloween 2011 part 2 is LIVE, and that's not all! Here are this week's main events: Mogloween Part 2. Trick or Treat with your friends. New Limited Time Shop (Organ Harvester). PaladinSlayer Class available with MOD Packs. And this is our first post after we re-opened! BakeShop Of Horrors! (Mogloween part...
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We're LIVE....again

Hello again, everyone! After along time of this website being closed, i decided to re-open it again, and to continue what we have started to do with it from the beginning, to give you all the info you need when playing AQWorlds. Today i would really love to say that i am incredibly thankful to you guys for visiting us again, after all that...
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Facebook page issue!

Hello Readers, I really wish that you enjoyed AQWorlds Media after it got opened to public, and i would really love to thank you for your visit! Unfortunately, another problem just appeared right after the opening, which is with our FaceBook fan page, FaceBook sent me a warning today and telling me that (AQWmedia.com) Facebook fan page has been disabled, until a further notice. That was the full message: Hello, We have...
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Doomwood FINAL..and BattleOn Answers!

Hi everyone, Sorry i didn't post anything for awhile, i was just so busy and couldn't open AQWorlds Media. Anyway, let's start talking about this upcoming release in AQWorlds. This Friday, AQWorlds will be releasing one of the biggest releases in it's history, and of course, the release would be the DoomWood Saga Conclusion. You have played...
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VIP Badge !

This Badge Is rewarded for the players who bought 12 months membership package and its now costs like 60 $ and the player who have this Badge they will be able to access to the VIP shop which there is ONLY ONE item which called 2011 Armor Token and it will be changed to something SOON....... This is a picture of the Badge  And...
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Rare Value !

Each Rare Item Has A value ..... A lot of Player become confused about which item should he/she get first or which item is the hardest one to get well the Rarity Test Will tell us which item is the most rare and which one is not .The Rarity Test divide the rare items into groups according To their values Let see these Types/Group  0 - Unknown 5 - Junk ~ 15 - Broken 18 - Dumb 21 - Common 24 - Weird 27 - Crazy - 30 - Awesome 33...
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