Hello everyone;You sure noticed that AQWmedia is currently having 0% activity on the past several days.Well, i told you why is this earlier before, and i told you that i need some writers to restore it's activity all over again as how it was before.So, please.....PLEASE.....if you see you have the ability JUST to write a simple little article, just reply with your E-mail address, and i will contact you within 24 hours...
AQWorlds Newsletter (Necro release)
Enter the NecropolisDarkness, doom, and dealing with undead professors - all things that strike fear into the hearts of the students in the Necropolis! You'll need all your wits and wicked wisdom to take on the tricky battle-tasks your teachers set you here at Necro U!. But don't be discouraged, harness the power of darkness and channel...
New Things Happened
Hello everyone,
I would like to tell you about 2 new things that will happen in AQWorlds, As a start i would like to inform you that the player friend's cap will rise up, So if you have alot of friends in AQW and your friend list is full , now you can add 10 more friends along with the other 30s!
As you see, some items in...
AQW SkyGuard Saga Continue!
Hello everyone,
I would like to tell you that the AQW release is now available to play and i will give you some information about the releaseThis release is a one of the releases that SkyGuard saga contains, when you enter the release either by typing /join anders or going to it directly from SkyGuard area , a movie will start and then...
AQW release sneak peak!
You guys may heard about the battle testing armor,so i will now tell some of the information you will need to know more so you can get it,If you want to get it you must have at least 3 months of member ship in AQW,so if you have 3 months or more , you will have the battle tester armor and helmet and a achievement badge on your book...
Tower of necromancy walk-through

Hello everyone;
Some players in AQWorlds are still stuck in the tower of necromancy's book quest and the mini game,So now, AQWmedia will give you the walk-through for those quests in a very simple way.
First, for the book quest in the first room inside the tower of necromancy , the solution is simple,first you have to accept the quest...
This AQWorlds Release is missing!
Hello everyone;
Wish you enjoyed Yesterday's AQWorlds big release, which is the new Necromancer area.
You may noticed that i didn't post anything about the release until now, well so sorry for that, this will never happen again, i promise!
So i thought that posting info about the release NOW will be actually useless as you guys all played...
Upcoming events: The tower of Necromancy!

Hello everyone;
I know it's late...ALOT LATE....But i only could post what new right now, i actually don't know where are the other writers is!
Anyway, i wanted to let you know of what's new will happen this week in AQWorlds...
Level Up!
Hello people ,
As you see, all of AQWorlds players started to farm for the XP to level up.so,AQWmedia team will now provide you with some of the best ways to level up:
- First it will be very easier to do the ways below with some XP BOOSTS! those boosts can be bought from Twilly in Battleon for 150 ACs each.
- Then as a start, you should equip a class that has ability to hit more than one monster in a room, Examples for...
Doomwood part 2 is ALIVE
So AQWorlds release for this week is ALIVE!
This release is really exciting holding alot of fun and surprises, here are the main featured events released tonight:
DoomWood continues as PART II ( The chopping Maul and ZORBAK).
Quibble the CoinBiter returns to AQWorlds.
Level cap increased to 4...
Level 40 Badge!

This badge will be added tomorrow to your Book Of Lore along with the level cap increase to Level 40.Once you reach Level 40, this badge will be revealed to y...
Empty Jobs!
Guys we need some people to join the AQWmedia team, but not as writers, we need them to do the following:
One member must take care of our FaceBook page, and keep it up-to-date of every post happens here is the main page.
Other member takes care of the YouTube channel, and add videos and walkthroughs about every AQWorlds release, and post the videos here.
If you one here is interested for these two, please reply a comment...
Next two parts of DoomWood sneak-peek!
Hello AQWorlds players;
I just want to let you know of what will be going on for the following two releases of AQWorlds.
The coming two weeks are holding ALOT of surprises, ideas, monster slayers and of course, FUN!
For this Friday, the DoomWood saga continues after Artix knew of what is happening in DoomWood and that there TONS of...
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