

Hey all well lol, I'm guessing it's summer vaca in America atm... But oh well 1 more week of school and we're on holidays <3 Anywaysss, the summer shop has come back again c: With the Seasonal rares and all them thingos... It was fathers day a few days ago and the shop might possibly still be in the Dragon menu. o:The Weekly Artist showcase, our artist this week is Tyronius with the awesome armors, And coming up next  is...
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Surprise surprise... Back from my holiday... s:

Now where's that title... x:< Nvm. Hey all Solacia... Is ... Back....(a bit)... Been a while since I've written some posts... Main reason mostly revolves being busy in life now and then... Couldn't fit in any time for post writing s:< Well anyways.... A few too many things has happened since I stopped for a few.. O:< Now back to the point... WHAT HAS HAPPENED: A LOT!  A lot in more detail: Heaps of great Artist...
read more "Surprise surprise... Back from my holiday... s:"