
Orlok needs your help [Mid-week Release]

It's Wednesday, which means today members of AQWorlds are having their own mid-week release! This release is an extending version of  Darkovia. Just like Lair, Bludrut, Tower and other 6 other min-week release, you will find a new NPC in Darkovia, called Orlok,  asking you to accomplish 8 quests, then unlocks a shop full of AWESOME...
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AQWorlds Newsletter [24-03-2012]

The Magic Thief: Chaos in your Veins! Magic, malice, and mayhem... and Chaos! When a corrupted mage in the duchy of Wellmet gets Chaorrupted, the most powerful mages on Lore go missing. Characters from author Sarah Prineas’ The Magic Thief join Cysero and Warlic to aid you as you journey to save the lifeblood of your home. If you fail, NO...
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The Magic Thief is ALIVE!

Hello everyone, Another weekend, another Friday and another release for AQWorlds.But this release isn't like any release you have ever played before. Today's release talks about "The Magic Thief", an original story written first by Sarah Prineas (Fantasy Author). The event starts when all the mages of lore * mysteriously* gone messing,...
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The Magic Thief!

 Join us for a fantastical AQWorlds in-game special event with magical literary guest-star, Sarah Prineas. Meet magicians, thieves, nobility, and misery-monsters as her characters cause Chaos! The ley lines which contain Lore’s magic are vulnerable to infection by Chaos. When Drakath uses the nefarious wizard, Pettivox, to infect them,...
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